Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is enjoying a pleasant time with their family. We've had moments :) I just frantically took the turkey out of the oven (two hours earlier than I had estimated) because the meat thermometer read 180 degrees. I rushed all of the side dishes, and scrambled to set the table. As Rob cut into my beautiful HUGE turkey, he informed me that it was raw. Yes, raw..... my meat thermometer is broken.

So, back in the oven goes the bird, and we'll have to reheat all the side dishes in a few hours. I think I'm off to play the Wii, and have a 'beverage'.


VBnBama said...

haha, have one (or two) for me! I'm headed for bed, gotta go shopping EARLY............

leah said...

Oy- same thing happened to us! Oh, well. The pies turned out OK and everyone was happy with that. Luckily we never have company for Thanksgiving!

Loudest Mom said...

Val, hope the shopping was great! My sister and I did the same (although not so early :)

Leah, it's all good if the pies are o.k., right? At least in my house-LOL.