Monday, January 21, 2008

The Girls Did it!

Semi-finals next weekend (which means another trip to Seattle). My posting has been sporadic, but this will all get better once State Cup is over- Win or lose, it's all over next weekend. It was a SUNNY weekend but very cold and windy. I'll take the sun instead of the dismal grey that we usually get this time of year. The kids all did great in the hotel, although Trey kept rolling out of bed. Not sure why- he doesn't do this at home (or else he does and he just gets back into bed). I also discovered that Jake is talking in his sleep non-stop. He was cracking himself up....I wish I knew what he was dreaming about that was so funny.

I'm off to go catch up on laundry. I hope you all had great weekends as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go girls!