Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back to school (75% of the kids)

Can you tell which child is not THRILLED???
The picture of Delaney is not from the first day of school (although she *did* wear her hair in braids. And, as a plus she is posing with one of my other favorite girls, my niece Addison). My camera died (see previous post) and her battery was not yet charged so she got out of the traditional first day of school pic. Maybe Trey should have gotten out of it as well (????) He really, REALLY, really wants to go to the neighborhood school. Sigh.

1 comment:

tammy said...

Your kiddos are so beautiful! I can't believe school is back in. We're three weeks in and it still doesn't seem right.

Can you email me please? I don't have your email, but I have some questions regarding CIs and EVAS. Aiden's maps have been really jacked lately and I'm searching for every answer possible. I'd surely appreciate it! My email is
Thanks a bunch!