Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just to Cap Off the Great Ear Week We're Having....

I was informed that Trey has a ROCK in his ear. Yes, a dark colored rock appears to be wedged in my son's ear canal.

Is it Friday yet?


VBnBama said...

um, do we have a vacuum attachment that small, maybe they can suction it out.........I'm so tired for you.

leah said...

A rock?? Wow, that's a new one! This will all be funny some day. Way, way in the future.

That boy is going to keep you on your toes!

Jennifer said...

Bless your heart. I think it's time for a new week for you. With no drama. ((hugs))

Jess said...

Stumbled upon your blog from Deaf Village. Thus far my son has only put lint into his ear, but I'm sure that if he was able to get ahold of a rock, that's where it would be going. Or possibly up his nose.

I'm pretty sure this is a boy thing. Hope your week gets better.
