Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ready to dive back in.....

maybe. I'm contemplating 'going back to school' in an online kind of way, to get a Masters in Education (specifically Special Education, or Deaf education). What started as a passing thought has kind of grown, to the point where I am days away from starting the application process. Just to make this prospect more interesting, I've also been contacted about a potential part-time job opportunity working with other parents of HOH/Deaf children. Of course I'm sure there are many parents who are interested, so we'll see if it works out, but isn't it funny how when you start opening yourself to new possibilities, opportunities began appearing.

I'm also still working on Trey's school situation, which if we end up in the due process court, I may not be welcomed with open arms to our home school district as a Special Ed. (or any other type) teacher. But, it is what it is.....gotta do the right thing for Trey.


leah said...

Wow- you rock! Good luck throughout your master's degree journey. And I'm sure that Trey's school situation will get sorted out soon. At least you're showing them that you are determined and know what is right for your child!

tammy said...

Good for you for pursuing the Masters! I THINK about it quite often, but usually don't get past the thinking part.
You are the best advocate for Trey and way to go for all your hard work and determination for your kids! High five to you! And I'd think any school district would be lucky to have someone like you!