Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Titles, Shmitles (a.k.a. I'm not creative enough right now to come up w/ a good one)

Same ol' Summer thing here. No new water running down our hill, still lots of sleepovers, mosquitos, and summer school. But, I forgot to share some good news. For those who remember, my newest neice Leah was born at 28 wks of age. She was in the hospital until last Monday (right about 2 months). She is home, and doing awesome! She is keeping her parents awake (as she should...), and is now up to 6 lbs 3 oz. Considering she was 2 ish when she was born, that's pretty spectacular. And, since I know many of you who read this blog hold hearing-issues near and dear, she appears to hear just fine. Although I was totally prepared to help on that one- I think at this point I've 'been there, done that'-LOL.

Hope you're all too busy to read this due to cookouts and family vacations (or kids stealing your computers, ha ha), but if not, I'll hopefully pop on tomorrow!

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